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SpeciesImperial Eagle
ProjectHELICON LIFE+ (2012-2016)
SponsorLIFE Nature
Ring codeA300
ManufacturerEcotone Telemetry
PTT codeEAGH01
PTT weight45
Accumulator typeSolar
Tagging date2013-03-07
Tagging placeJász-Nagykun-Szolnok
First data2013-07-01 03:00:40
Last data2013-09-05 09:30:27
Number of data1777
DescriptionNamed after Rudolf Dombi, the Hungarian gold medalist of the 2012 London Olympic Games (kayak-canoe, K2/1km). Poisoned and shot adult bird, which was transported by the staff of the Hortobágy and Duna-Ipoly National Parks into the Budapest Zoo at 24 February 2013. After its rehabilitation it was released at the site where it was found at the border of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Pest counties on 7 March 2013. One week later Rudolf find an immature mate and started to build a nest in a nearby territory. As we are not uploading data of breeding birds to the database the route of Rudolf cannot be visualized on the map.